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  1. Beiträge anzeigen #201
    Sword Master Avatar von C-Hawk
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    I know u are well, was going to say professionals... but as ur modders within the Gothic community... I don't know how to put it down. Not to insult u guys
    I also know u are aware of what to do and ofc I completely support u - at least on most fronts that is.
    I remember indeed that I read somewhere that u guys wouldn't do any audio changes, at least not dialogue things.

    As for the wall, thx for another reminder probably. Is the vid in English? Could someone give me a link? I'm tired atm and (at all times) very lazy.

    And for the passes, I know there is a map and all, but I guess there are more possibilities to get to Nordmar...
    I mean: climbing a mountain for an hour and finally getting over it. Even if it seems impossible
    But as sceptic(if thats the right word) as I am in this matter, I shall trust u.

    When I have smth else to say, you shall hear from me.

    And w8 as long as u need to make it 'perfect', just as u say u will.
    Arcadia - A click and win tale
    Geändert von C-Hawk (22.08.2012 um 23:39 Uhr)

  2. Beiträge anzeigen #202
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Hmm, I keep wondering what is the deal with the wall, considering the fact that the orcs came from the north in the first place.
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  3. Beiträge anzeigen #203
    Sword Master Avatar von C-Hawk
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    Well, it seems at the first reaction to my post I react as well

    Good point Maladiq, the Orcs came from the North, but I assume they have taken over all the cities at the start of the game...
    so ehm... how exactly did they get to Varant ??? They aren't rly that smart, and I have never seen an Orc boat... but Thorus says as stated b4 in this thread, that he and others were taken from Khorinis as slaves, so that means they do HAVE boats. Would that be the reason they got south of the wall?
    It takes some time to ship all those Orcs though.

    edit: I have found the video, and saw what the progress did... It's indeed true that they're breaking it down.
    But in which chapter I wonder can we pass through to Nordmar... Well, as I wrote that sentence, I knew the answer:
    [Bild: CSP_Kapitel_2.jpg]
    edit2: Then a 2nd question comes to my mind, when will Chapter 2 start... Don't say it.
    Arcadia - A click and win tale
    Geändert von C-Hawk (23.08.2012 um 10:59 Uhr)

  4. Beiträge anzeigen #204
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Orcs do have ships. It stated in G2.
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  5. Beiträge anzeigen #205
    Sapere aude  Avatar von Jünger des Xardas
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    Zitat Zitat von C-Hawk Beitrag anzeigen
    I know u are well, was going to say professionals... but as ur modders within the Gothic community... I don't know how to put it down. Not to insult u guys
    Professional is a curious word. It comes from "profession" which is - simply - a job. So by it's roots professional would mean that you are doing it as your job and not just as your hobby. In that case every real developer would be professional and every modder wouldn't. But that wouldn't say anything about quality.
    Today however the word normal refers to how someone is doing his work. If he knows what he does, if he plans it well etc. Of course it's more likely that someone who does something as a job (a professional) knows better HOW to do it (does it more professional). But that's not always the case. Still even that hasn't anything to do with quality because even if you work compleatly without a plan you can - in theory - create something better and more vivid than someone who uses all conventional means but works wihout passion.
    Anyway I'd say that we aren't professional no matter which of the two definitions you use. And I wouldn't say that's an insult.
    And for the passes, I know there is a map and all, but I guess there are more possibilities to get to Nordmar...
    I mean: climbing a mountain for an hour and finally getting over it. Even if it seems impossible
    But as sceptic(if thats the right word) as I am in this matter, I shall trust u.
    The map doesn't really show all passes. Still we know them.
    And yeah you can climb the mountains. But we don't really care about that posibillity. Because let's face it: That's like cheating. In Gothic 2 you can climb the mountains as well and visit the valley of mines before Lord Hagen commanded you too, without crossinbg the gate. But since it's plain that the developers didn't want you to do that they aren't really to blame if you provoke story bugs this way.

    Zitat Zitat von C-Hawk Beitrag anzeigen
    so ehm... how exactly did they get to Varant ???
    I belive you mean Myrtana?
    Well by the pass near Silden of course. Silden was the first city that was conquered so this seems just logical. Vengard was the last (or isn't even really conquered at all but that's not the point here). It would have been odd if the war had started with an attack on Vengard.
    They aren't rly that smart, and I have never seen an Orc boat... but Thorus says as stated b4 in this thread, that he and others were taken from Khorinis as slaves, so that means they do HAVE boats. Would that be the reason they got south of the wall?
    It takes some time to ship all those Orcs though.
    The orcs are just as smart as the humans. And they are said to have a very big fleet. With this fleet they defeated the one of Myrtana near the Eastern Archipelago (which you hear from Mario in Gothic 2), they brought their troops from Irdorath to Khorinis (you hear in a lot of dialogues with the paladins and with Ur-Shak that the orcs landed with ships behind the wall they build in the valley) and they brought slaves from Khorinis to Myrtana such as Thorus.
    That we never see their ships doesn't mean there aren't any

    Still, as stated above, they came to Myrtana via the Silden pass.
    edit2: Then a 2nd question comes to my mind, when will Chapter 2 start...
    That should be around the end of the first chapter if I recall correctly...

  6. Beiträge anzeigen #206
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Are you guys rebalancing the game? Like adding or removing beasts in certain places to guide the hero on the right track, modifying their attributes, increasing or decreasing the amount of XP they give?
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  7. Beiträge anzeigen #207
    Sword Master Avatar von C-Hawk
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    Jünger des Xardas, good reply

    Passes to Nordmar: Still don't know how u locked down the other entrances... if u did that is another question.

    And no, I did mean Varant, as they had to cross Myrtana first OR use their ships

    U stated that they are as smart as the humans, but they aren't rly that good at making weapons, or they know they are strong and use that as the only thing to make their weapons... heavy with a sharp edge... that's all? I mean, the human weapons are much more special and all..
    Ofc, this doesn't mean that they aren't smarter
    They did invade Myrtana, but I think they used the advantage of more strength rather then using good tactics. The fire mages couldn't use their magic, though the shamans could. Maybe the warriors are equally matched, but the mages play a big role in here.

    I feel like I'm nagging too much right now..

    Sorry if I'm pissing ppl off I'm just letting u all know I have my thoughts about things...
    And with every question I ask, it gets answered so well, I just need to ask smth u can't answer, but I can't do that to u
    Arcadia - A click and win tale

  8. Beiträge anzeigen #208
    Sapere aude  Avatar von Jünger des Xardas
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    Are you guys rebalancing the game? Like adding or removing beasts in certain places to guide the hero on the right track, modifying their attributes, increasing or decreasing the amount of XP they give?
    Beasts aren't really good for guiding the hero to places. Even strong ones can be defeated by skilled players (ah well with the Gothic 3 combat system you don't even have to be skilled) or you can just run around them. So if there are new beasts or other enemies they'll be mostly related to some quest.
    We will compleatly redo the balancing however. We have to do this anyway since we are adding so much new quests and since you won't be able to learn anything you want anymore (obviously a fire mage isn't cappable of summoning demons for example).
    Zitat Zitat von C-Hawk Beitrag anzeigen
    Passes to Nordmar: Still don't know how u locked down the other entrances... if u did that is another question.
    You will see if and if so how we did
    And no, I did mean Varant, as they had to cross Myrtana first OR use their ships
    The orcs never invaded Varant. They came through the pass after winning the war in Myrtana in order to find the artifacts for Xardas and after they had paid Zuben for it.
    U stated that they are as smart as the humans, but they aren't rly that good at making weapons, or they know they are strong and use that as the only thing to make their weapons... heavy with a sharp edge... that's all? I mean, the human weapons are much more special and all..
    In the real world there were societies with better and societies with worse weapons as well. Still humans in general are qualy smart in every society. Besides there's nothing wrong with creating weapons mainly used by strengh if you are strong just like there isn't anything wrong with creatng weapons mainly used by dexterity if you are dexterous like the varantian people. Oh and orcs can make ore weapons. So appearently they know something about forging.
    They did invade Myrtana, but I think they used the advantage of more strength rather then using good tactics.
    They are a warrior society. I suppose they know how to make war.
    The fire mages couldn't use their magic, though the shamans could. Maybe the warriors are equally matched, but the mages play a big role in here.
    When Xardas destroyed the magic everything but Faring and Vengard was already conquered.

    You really should stop seeing orcs as savages. Because we want portray them as equal to humans /which PB also did in my opinion). This is necessary anyway since they are a playable faction and there should be something making people actualy want to play them, right?
    And with every question I ask, it gets answered so well, I just need to ask smth u can't answer, but I can't do that to u
    You can try

  9. Beiträge anzeigen #209
    Sword Master Avatar von C-Hawk
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    Zitat Zitat von Jünger des Xardas Beitrag anzeigen
    The orcs never invaded Varant. They came through the pass after winning the war in Myrtana in order to find the artifacts for Xardas and after they had paid Zuben for it.
    I nvr meant that :P Only the way of how they got INTO Varant was my point.
    As they didnt HAVE to pass Silden first to conquer Cape Dun for example, just get aboard a ship and set sail for the coastal region... But they didnt :P
    Ok, leave this matter plz, cuz we can argue about this till the CSP comes out xD

    Zitat Zitat von Jünger des Xardas Beitrag anzeigen
    In the real world there were societies with better and societies with worse weapons as well. Still humans in general are qualy smart in every society. Besides there's nothing wrong with creating weapons mainly used by strengh if you are strong just like there isn't anything wrong with creatng weapons mainly used by dexterity if you are dexterous like the varantian people. Oh and orcs can make ore weapons. So appearently they know something about forging.
    I must admit that ur right about this.

    Zitat Zitat von Jünger des Xardas Beitrag anzeigen
    They are a warrior society. I suppose they know how to make war.When Xardas destroyed the magic everything but Faring and Vengard was already conquered.
    I remember something about an Orc in a house near Gotha who said smth about that? Or at least some Orc claimed that all attacks on Gotha failed miserably until Xardas cut the fire mages power... Or that was indeed Vengard, as I didnt come pass Faring this time, and I know what I didnt hear this time Thank u very well.
    I am SURE.

    Zitat Zitat von Jünger des Xardas Beitrag anzeigen
    You really should stop seeing orcs as savages. Because we want portray them as equal to humans /which PB also did in my opinion). This is necessary anyway since they are a playable faction and there should be something making people actualy want to play them, right?
    But I don't... I kinda hate them. And it's hard NOT to portay them as savages for me. I can only try. And after I finished my 4/5th playthrough (well, actually 1st) I could start out as a Mercenary.
    I actually always stayed with the rebelling force in Gothic, and I am also doing this in Skyrim, I believe.

    That's it for today :P
    Arcadia - A click and win tale

  10. Beiträge anzeigen #210
    Sapere aude  Avatar von Jünger des Xardas
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    I nvr meant that :P Only the way of how they got INTO Varant was my point.
    As they didnt HAVE to pass Silden first to conquer Cape Dun for example, just get aboard a ship and set sail for the coastal region... But they didnt :P
    Ok, leave this matter plz, cuz we can argue about this till the CSP comes out xD
    Well anyway, there will be a lot of lore concerning the war and how all the cities were conquered.
    I remember something about an Orc in a house near Gotha who said smth about that? Or at least some Orc claimed that all attacks on Gotha failed miserably until Xardas cut the fire mages power... Or that was indeed Vengard, as I didnt come pass Faring this time, and I know what I didnt hear this time Thank u very well.
    I am SURE.
    Gotha fell to the demon which was summoned by the shamans (yes, not every demon is related to Xardas). It was the second battle of Faring (the orcs had failed in the first) in which Xardas directly took part - and of course his destruction of the runes helped the orcs in besieging Vengard.
    But I don't... I kinda hate them. And it's hard NOT to portay them as savages for me. I can only try. And after I finished my 4/5th playthrough (well, actually 1st) I could start out as a Mercenary.
    I actually always stayed with the rebelling force in Gothic, and I am also doing this in Skyrim, I believe.
    Well that's just racist then

  11. Beiträge anzeigen #211
    Ranger Avatar von Phillip of the Fire Clan
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    I spent a lot of time on your webpage. Man, this project is HUGE .

    I read that you want to remove ''randomisation'' and make all chests have a fixed content (and also that you needed help, are you done or do you still need chest IDs ?). Does that apply to merchants as well ?
    I'm close to finishing the game - I have a paladin armor and I'm armed with a ''worn'' Krush Tarach, I couldn't find one that isnt worn and that's kinda lame .

    Will we be able to find or buy one with the same merchant every time we start the game ?

  12. Beiträge anzeigen #212
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    glumetzul ist offline
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    I'm close to finishing the game - I have a paladin armor and I'm armed with a ''worn'' Krush Tarach, I couldn't find one that isnt worn and that's kinda lame .
    You can buy one in Monterra from the orc trader inside the castle (so you'll need 75% reputation in Monterra first). There might be some other source as well but I, whenever I want to play G3 the strength mode, buy the one from Monterra even if I can't weild it yet because I know I'll need it later.

  13. Beiträge anzeigen #213
    Ranger Avatar von Phillip of the Fire Clan
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    Yorik - the guy who asks for 20 bundles of weapons ?
    So, he ALWAYS has a Krush Tarach in his inventory ? I thought that the inventory is randomly generated the first time you hit the ˝Show me your goods˝ dialogue option .
    That's why I asked the question in my post above - will they remove randomisation.

    PS: I finished the game and now I'm playing it again as a mage (or that's my plan at least). The only question for now is: How will a mage in the CSP receive 75 reputation in orc cities?
    It's not going to be easy for a mage to fight in the arena (necessary for 75 rep AFAIK), and if they are going to be as tough as the opponents in the CP 1.75, well... a mage can just forget it.
    Geändert von Phillip of the Fire Clan (27.08.2012 um 11:16 Uhr)

  14. Beiträge anzeigen #214
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    Yorik - the guy who asks for 20 bundles of weapons ?
    So, he ALWAYS has a Krush Tarach in his inventory ? I thought that the inventory is randomly generated the first time you hit the ˝Show me your goods˝ dialogue option .
    That's why I asked the question in my post above - will they remove randomisation.
    I'm pretty sure they traders inventory isn't random. I remember I always used to buy the Nimrod from the guy in Reddok that guards the seconday exit (untill AB that is). And also, I've bought my Tarach from Yorik (if you say that's his name) more than once.

    Zitat Zitat von AtomOfCorruption Beitrag anzeigen
    PS: I finished the game and now I'm playing it again as a mage (or that's my plan at least). The only question for now is: How will a mage in the CSP receive 75 reputation in orc cities?
    It's not going to be easy for a mage to fight in the arena (necessary for 75 rep AFAIK), and if they are going to be as tough as the opponents in the CP 1.75, well... a mage can just forget it.
    Arena fights aren't that hard even if you're weak. It may take one or two loading of the game if you're really weak and unlucky but in the end you manage it. I've only played as a mage once on easy with AB on and it simply was too easy. In the begining of course it wasn't as easy as the strength mode but as soon as I learned fireball and got myself a nice stack of mana potions it's just a walk in the park. Later you learn mana regeneration and that's when things just get silly. I did most of the quests in Myrtana and moved to Nordmar. After reaching the first Wolf Clan I realised that I am too strong and doing silly quests ain't an option anymore so I just rushed through the game untill the end. I liberated all cities in Varant (including Zuben's) in less than two hours (the running took me more time than exterminating all unfriendly NPCs).

    Now that was on easy and I'm sure that normal difficulty will pose more of a challenge but still I say that the mage option is by far the easiest if you manage to get past the boring start when you get your ass kicked a lot.

  15. Beiträge anzeigen #215
    Bücherwolf  Avatar von HerrFenrisWolf
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    I finished the game and now I'm playing it again as a mage (or that's my plan at least). The only question for now is: How will a mage in the CSP receive 75 reputation in orc cities?
    It's not going to be easy for a mage to fight in the arena (necessary for 75 rep AFAIK), and if they are going to be as tough as the opponents in the CP 1.75, well... a mage can just forget it.
    The more important question is which kind of mage will you play? When you will play a shaman there will be no problem to get reputation from the orcs. On the other hand, reputation is not so important anymore in the CSP.

  16. Beiträge anzeigen #216
    Sword Master Avatar von C-Hawk
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    The more important question is which kind of mage will you play? When you will play a shaman there will be no problem to get reputation from the orcs. On the other hand, reputation is not so important anymore in the CSP.
    Though, will the armor system be more like G1 and G2 then?
    Or can we just buy them if we have the money? Cuz I think that would be bad too...
    Arcadia - A click and win tale

  17. Beiträge anzeigen #217
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Zitat Zitat von C-Hawk Beitrag anzeigen
    Though, will the armor system be more like G1 and G2 then?
    Or can we just buy them if we have the money? Cuz I think that would be bad too...
    Great question
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  18. Beiträge anzeigen #218
    Bücherwolf  Avatar von HerrFenrisWolf
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    Though, will the armor system be more like G1 and G2 then?
    Or can we just buy them if we have the money? Cuz I think that would be bad too...
    Well, it will be more like Gothic 1 and 2.

  19. Beiträge anzeigen #219
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    kacmac111 ist offline
    Can you solve the bug that when you enter inventory the game's freezing ??? that is broking the game, because you can stop the game and freely use potions in any moment.

  20. Beiträge anzeigen #220
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    @ kacmac111:
    It isn't a bug, it is a feature! Therefore, it doesn't need any fix. Enemies will wait until the player won't close his inventory. But at the moment of its closing he can receive from them a series of blows which can't be blocked. The same will be while the Hero talks to the NPC.

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